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HomeLifestyleHealth & FitnessWhat are the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure?

What are the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is one of the most common conditions that everyone suffers from. Understand what high blood pressure is and what can be the possible symptoms of it.

Mostly half of adults who have high blood pressure or hypertension don’t realise it. This makes regular check-ups more necessary. Changes in diet, exercise and medication can help you get control of high blood pressure.

What Is High Blod Pressure?

High blood pressure can occur when the force of blood pushing against your artery walls is consistently too high. Your arteries can get damaged with time because of this and can lead to serious complications like heart attack and stroke.

High blood pressure is also named a “silent killer” because usually, it does not have any symptoms. The damage is still happening within you and you won’t be aware of that, this is what makes it horrific.

How Can You Detect That You Have High Blood Pressure?

You won’t feel sick, you won’t be able to tell if anything disturbing happening in your body and your healthy body won’t give signs that you are having high blood pressure. The only way to detect high blood pressure is through regular check-ups.

Yearly check-ups can detect if you are having high blood pressure or not. These check-ups are crucial to maintain your health. If your healthcare professional finds out the blood pressure is above the normal range then they can provide you with dietary advice and an exercise routine to follow.

What Are The Possible Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure?

Although high blood pressure has not so noticeable symptoms when it reaches to a particular height it starts showing some symptoms.

These are the ones that can be noted when you experience high blood pressure at its peak or nearer:

  • Headaches

High blood pressure can come with headaches. These headaches can lead to strong aches and an uncomfortable environment for you, especially in the morning. If you are facing headaches more often and they are not leaving you easily visit a healthcare professional because it might be the symptom of high blood pressure.

  • Blurred or Double Vision

Your eyesight can get blurred or you can experience double vision. There are small blood vessels in your eyes and high blood pressure can affect them. If you don’t visit a healthcare advisor on time it can damage your eyes.

  • Chest Pain

A tight or heavy feeling in the chest may occur because of high blood pressure. Your heart is under too much pressure and this can lead to pain in your arms or neck. Take it as a warning sign of a serious heart problem.

  • Bleeding Nose

Nosebleeds can be experienced when your blood pressure has reached a high point. The blood vessels in your nose can get damaged because of the pressure. If you experience nosebleeds more often prefer visit to a healthcare provider.

  • Fatigue

The feeling of tiredness is normal when you are working all day but if you are feeling very tired and it is becoming hard for you to focus or get confused easily this can be because of high blood pressure.

  • Irregular Heartbeats

Fast heartbeats or uneven heart rate are signs of high blood pressure. Your heart is facing high pressure and that is what makes it beat faster.

  • Shortness of Breath

Sometimes we may find it difficult to breathe even while doing normal activities, this can be because of high blood pressure. The reason behind this can be your heart is doing hard work to push blood through your body and your lungs are not getting enough oxygen.

  • Blood in the Urine

Your kidneys can get hurt because of high blood pressure and your body will show this sign by the blood in the urine. It may appear pink or red. This needs immediate professional attention because your kidneys are damaged because of the high blood pressure.

Before the situation gets out of your hands and your healthcare advisor, you must keep these symptoms in mind and visit a healthcare provider immediately. Don’t panic or put yourself in a situation where blood pressure gets a chance to get more high.


We understand that sometimes seeing symptoms or noticing them makes us feel tense but we prefer you keep calm and visit or consult a healthcare professional. They can provide you with the best advice and help you maintain a normal range of blood pressure.

A general surgeon can be the one you can visit and ask for help if you need special care or treatments. A general surgeon might not be the one who can be directly involved in treating you for high blood pressure but they can refer you to the best treatments possible and advisories. Move ahead wisely and get treated with the best.


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