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What is Vedic Astrology?

Vedic astrology’s origins can be traced back to when it relied exclusively on the planetary orbits of the fixed stars. Later on, zodiac symbols were included. Each of the 27 constellations in Vedic astrology represents a unique aspect of human experience, as do the 12 zodiac signs, nine planets, and 12 houses that make up these constellations. According to one’s birth time, each of the 12 signs and nine planets will occupy one of the 12 houses. A horoscope chart is created using the natal chart and the placements of the planets and zodiac signs. The activity of ascribing meaning to these combinations in terms of their effects on live beings is what we mean when we talk about astrologer in Melbourne.

The Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology

Somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 B.C.E. is when Vedic astrology first appeared, though its exact origins are unknown. The Vedas are the oldest surviving Sanskrit texts and the philosophical cornerstone upon which Hinduism and Jyotish are built. The term “Veda” comes from the Sanskrit word for “knowledge,” It is widely held that this body of literature provides the fundamental knowledge necessary for human well-being.

Other astrological systems are just as old as Jyotish; the difference is that, unlike Vedic astrology, they didn’t survive the rise and fall of multiple religions (most notably Christianity in the West). In India, Jyotish study is a lifelong commitment that provides a window into one’s spirituality and path. Before taking on clients, Jyotish (Vedic astrologers) spend years studying the art and science of their field and developing their spirituality.

Modifications to Vedic Astrology

These are the primary categories in Vedic astrology (Jyotisha):

Astronomy (Siddhanta): Astronomy studies the stars and their place in the astrological scheme.

Vaastu Shaastra (the science of architecture), animals, portents, omens, etc

.Samhita (Mundane astrology); foretelling significant events that will influence countries (such as war, earthquakes, political events, Astro meteorology, financial positions, electional astrology, etc.). Get in touch with some best astrologer in Sydney to know more.

Differences between Vedic and Modern Astrolomic Cartographics

The Zodiac measurement method is the most obvious way to tell them apart. The sidereal zodiac (in which stars are supposed to form the fixed background against which the motion of the planets is measured) is widely used in Vedic astrology, in contrast to the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology (the movement of the planets is calculated against the position of the Sun on the Spring equinox). Since the equinoxes precess across centuries, this variation is only discernible when a considerable amount of time has passed. The planets fall into the previous sign in Western charts roughly 80% of the time, but this does not alter their synchrony. The only variation between the two systems is a displacement of the origin of the ecliptic longitude by around 22 degrees or days.

The science behind Vedic Astrology

Numerous astrological concepts, such as those about the zodiac signs, constellations (also called Nakshatras), and planets, have mythical explanations in ancient Hindu literature. However, the common opinion says that our ancestors’ great men and women simply used mythology to explain complex physical laws that lay beyond the average person’s understanding at the time.

Despite impressive advances, modern science still needs a complete understanding of the physical laws underlying this old method. Probability and statistics are the basis of current astrological knowledge. Statistics is the mathematical study of the correlations between seemingly unconnected events. According to research, between 70 and 80 percent of people who share an astrological chart will also share similar personality qualities. This finding can be interpreted statistically in several ways. Still, one of them is that the probability of an occurrence is “the probability that a person will be alive when a specific alignment of the planets occurs. How likely is it that you would always receive heads if you flipped a coin a thousand times?” is almost always somewhere in the middle.

Let’s put it off until later. “To illustrate, suppose you’re keeping tabs on the results of coin tosses overnight and in the morning. If, after a year of testing, you find that the chance of getting a “heads” when flipping a coin at sunrise is 70% instead of 50%, you can construct a rule that says you’ll always have a better chance of receiving a “heads” when doing so at sunrise. A similar line of thinking can be used to clarify Vedic astrology. Assuming you know the right combinations, you “The combination leads to a correct prediction in 70–80% of charts. Even if we don’t understand why something happens, we have enough data to be highly confident in our predictions.


Although there are technical parts to Vedic astrology, at its core, it is a spiritual science that necessitates a level of intuition that is typically only available in individuals who maintain specific standards of spiritual practice. To accurately interpret horoscopes and counsel others on how to deal with life’s challenges spiritually, an astrologer must practice what they preach.


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