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Automation in DevOps: Why & How To Automate DevOps Practices

A majority DevOps projects begin with agile-focused initiatives. If you’re still not there, ensure you’re trained and seek the assistance of an agile coach. Get started on defining your backlog list as well as executing sprints and creating content regularly. The goal of agile development and particularly in the context of automation in devOps will be to guarantee that production is continuous.

JezHumble is co-author as well as editor for “Continuous Delivery” and UC Berkeley lecturer, has two golden rules in continuous delivery.

  • Software (trunk) is able to be used at any time
  • Everybody is checking their trunks on a regular basis (at around)

He provides three aspects that are vital to reach the gold standard including Configuration management, continuous integration and automated testing for DevOps automation.

If you’re working to agile principles, your developers should use the management of configurations, doing continuous integration and running automated unit tests as part of the process of development. Tests that test functional functions, together with some manual tests are being developed and run alongside the development process. There may also be non-functional tests, such as for example security or tests for performance. Automated tests may be programmed to run automatically, but they might need to be initiated manually. The process of building is designed in order to create the program in order that it can be put to use for further testing.

When you’re already performing all this, then what type level of automated process do you require to put in place for DevOps to succeed?

Secure the source code from any checks that could invalidate the build, so that the code is accessible to reuse

  • Manual tests can be converted into automated tests
  • The provisioning of an environmental in which to test
  • Testing tests both functional and non-functional
  • Application of code
  • The method of reverting an application to the version which was the last used
  • Gathering production-related metrics
  • Pipelining the process

The dashboard is updated regularly. DevOps dashboard

As Humble and David Farley say in their book, “Continuous Delivery”, it’s not required to automate everything at once. And you can automate slowly over the course of.

4 steps that aid you in prioritizing DevOps automation

These are the steps you can take to help you prioritize the automation you are implementing.

  1. Review your requirements

It’s the first thing to establish the objectives you’re trying to attain in order to focus on the goals you’d like to reach. There might already be a couple of these, however, they could require an extra investment.

  • The software for release is upgraded often in the production.
  • Instantly receive feedback at any point during the process of the change prior to it being made available for production
  • Lowers the cost of downtime
  • Verify the performance of the software in production
  • Create a single status report for the entire team by feeding production metrics into one, unifying dashboard available to the development and operations teams.

This isn’t a comprehensive checklist. Once you’ve made the list you wish to create, you’ll need to put it in order into a prioritized list and identify what’s keeping you from achieving each goal.

  1. Identify your bottlenecks

Once you’ve identified is the main goal you’d like to accomplish It is important to determine the reason you’re still not achieving it and work on fixing the issue. For instance if your primary goal is to make minor updates to your software regularly for the production environment you’re faced with a range of possible reasons why you’re not there yet.

  1. Do your programmers often delay the build due to checking for bad code that breaks or break the building?
  2. Are your programmers need to explain to testers the most effective way to make software modifications available for testing?
  3. Do your testers spend long to check an unimportant alteration?
  4. Does your organization require manual work to load or prepare the data for test?

After you’ve identified your bottlenecks, it is important to consider the reasons they’re in the first place:

If you’re having issues with building, it’s essential to use Continuous Integration. Utilize a checked-in gated solution to prevent adding code into the main branch when it’s likely to interfere with building.

Do you spend a lot hours conducting tests? If you’re performing the same tests by hand, you should Automate the process. You’re using most of your time developing testing environments Automate the set-up of test equipment and installing the software to be tested. Data preparation is the problem it is possible to simplify the process of taking and scrubbing off the data prior to inserting it into your database.

Requires time to start testing due to the fact that the tester has to start the tests by hand, the tests must been set to run automatically when the build is completed and the test environment is set.

Testing and developers work in a team. But, developers must perform enough tests on their own work before giving others the chance to test it.

If you need to shut down your production environment every time you encounter issues with the most recent change, it is suggested to to automate the process of turning into a stable version. Also, ensure that the process is thoroughly tested before the change is made.

  1. Consider the ROI

You’ve created the list of items that you can add to the project’s backlog. This allows you to classify these tasks with respect to other items in your list, and also gives you full transparency regarding the automation changes. You can assess the capabilities of your team. Also, by adding these tasks that automate tasks into your backlog, you can ensure you are ensuring that the “support” jobs are part of your team’s workload.

As with all backlog items, larger items can be broken down into smaller pieces and be implemented in stages in which each stage is worth it. Consider the costs of each item’s implementation and calculate the cost of delaying their implementation by using a weighted shorter method of first job to evaluate the return on investment for each item.

The advantage from this technique is it permits you to gradually introduce automation enhancements to the backlog, and also reduce the time required for the creation of the other item in the backlog.

Be aware that automated testing should be part of an overall definition of”done” to any software that is new. John Jeremiah, a digital researcher at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, puts the idea in simple terms: “In the old world automation was considered to be a good feature to have’ or a feature to support. Today, the significance of automation is to to speed up the process without sacrificing any or quality. In actuality there is no reason for new code to ever be developed without automated verification tests to confirm it. ”

  1. Continuously assess and update

Once you’ve removed one of the bottlenecks you’re now ready to move on to your next. However, your circumstances may have changed from when you last checked at the issue creating your DevOps pipeline to fail, and you need to reevaluate your procedure. It could be that there are new bottlenecks that require to be resolved or the one you have already solved has become more crucial.

Levy suggests that you constantly evaluate your process, and identifying the major bottlenecks along with other elements to be developed that will make an efficient DevOps pipeline. However, it is vital to keep evaluating throughout the duration the duration of your work.

DevOps Automatization isn’t something that you can just perform once and forget over. Like safety and effectiveness, this is a process that you should constantly observe and improve when your DevOps pipeline is in operation.

The first step to DevOps automation is to become adaptable. Once you’ve accomplished that, you’re ready to begin your upward process towards full-on DevOps. Look at the DevOps objectives you’d like to achieve, and then the obstacles that are preventing you from reaching these goals.

Once you’ve identified the source of the bottlenecks might be, you’ll be able determine the next steps to take in order to fix the issue and incorporate them into the backlog.

If you continuously analyze and prioritize these issues with respect to other items in your list, you’ll be able to implement automation gradually and effectively.


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