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How To Manufacture Your Own Gear What You Need To Know About Making Your Own Gear


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Choose What Makes Sense To You.

It’s important to think about what you want to make and how. Think about the purpose of your gear, who it’s for, and what that person would use it for. If you’re making something for yourself or a friend who also has a lot of gear—maybe they have a lot of hiking boots or ski jackets—then maybe you should choose simpler options like a pair of sneakers instead of something more complicated like skis or snowshoes.

If you’re making something for someone else (like family members), then think about their needs as well as your own preferences when creating these items. Is there anything specific they might want/need? How much time do they spend outside in winter conditions? What kinds of activities do these people enjoy doing outdoors?

Consider what the gear will be used for, then how long and hard it will be used.

Consider the purpose of the gear. For example, if you’re making a climbing harness for your kid and he’ll use it only once, then consider how hard it will be on him (and himself) to wear that harness every time he goes climbing.

If you’re making a rescue sling, think about whether or not your rescue is going to be carried by an adult or child who can’t carry himself/herself very well; if so, make sure that person can easily access their rescuer’s arm without having to struggle with undoing them themselves.

Get a larger kit first, then add to it as needed.

The first step to making your own gear is to start with a large kit. The larger the kit, the more likely you are to have everything you need. For example, if your project requires hand tools and power tools, buying both sets of each tool will cost more than just buying one set of each tool; this is because it’s easier for manufacturers and retailers (who profit from selling things) to keep their prices low when they only have one type of product available—and less likely that consumers need or want something else in addition than what’s already on sale at stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s.

On top of this convenience factor (and potential profit), owning multiple items helps ensure that any problems encountered during production won’t require purchasing replacement parts/components later down stream!

Only use parts you can depend on whether they fit you or not.

As you’re working on your gear, always make sure that the parts are going to fit you. If they don’t, then it’s time for a different kind of tool.

Don’t use parts that don’t fit your body or job requirements. For example, if you’re an archer who needs a bow of certain length and weight but doesn’t want to pay $200 extra just because it’s better than what is currently being offered at the local big-box store (or online), then go ahead and make your own!

But if all you need is something small enough so that it doesn’t weigh down too much when used as an arrow rest against a tree branch while hunting deer during dusk hours after dark…then maybe don’t bother with this part list at all—just buy whatever comes standard within reason from whichever manufacturer happens most appropriate based upon price point capability/feature sets available through various platforms ranging from Apple products through Android devices into Windows PCs.”

Use elements as much as possible from several manufacturers

Use elements as much as possible from several manufacturers in your kit so if you need to assemble something, you can do it with the pieces you have and parts from another manufacturer. If you’re working with multiple suppliers, then it’s even more important to have the right parts on hand.

You may be able to find some of these items for free or at a reasonable price through local suppliers, but don’t forget about paying closer attention when buying brands like Graco!

Should your gear be waterproof? Up-armor it!

Up-armor your gear.

Up-armoring your gear is a great way to increase the durability and longevity of your outdoor equipment, especially if you’re planning on using it in harsh conditions. Up-armoring means adding an extra layer of protection to an item or piece of clothing that already has some kind of waterproofing (like GoreTex) already on it.

You can use different types of fabric, but most people opt for something like nylon because it’s lightweight yet tough enough to withstand abuse without tearing apart too easily. If you want something even more durable than nylon, try using heavy duty mesh material instead!


What to do:

  • Make it easy to reach your gear

Easy access first by design, then by planning on where you will be going. Making the gear easily accessible is a good start, like putting it in your car.

Another trick I have seen is for people who live in high-rise buildings to bring items such as levelers (for setting up tents), etc., down with them when they go camping and keeping them in their car or van until they are ready to use them, this way they don’t have any other pieces which could potentially break while they are out and about. The best way is of course just to plan ahead. Plan ahead where all your pieces will go via what size structure,

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